How to Light Solid Fuel, HouseFuel

How to Light Solid Fuel

62 Days ago

**Please note**

Orders no longer come with free firelighters, apologies for the inconvenience.

Through years of experience, we have come up with what we believe to be the best way to start your fire repeatedly.

Watch our handy video below for a step-by-step guide on how to light solid fuel.

How to Light Solid Fuel

**Please note**

Orders no longer come with free firelighters, apologies for the inconvenience.

Video Transcript

Welcome to HouseFuel, the UK’s fastest-growing coal merchant.

One of the most common questions we are asked is ‘what is the best way to light a fire?’ After years of experience, we have come up with what we believe to be the best way to start your appliance repeatedly.

To begin with, make sure that the grate has been cleaned from its previous use. Any leftover ash in the appliance restricts airflow and prevents your new fire from establishing.

Once cleaned, place two HouseFuel firelighters against the back wall of the appliance. Our firelighters have explicitly been selected as they provide fast and reliable ignition for various appliances. They are the perfect complimentary product for our range.

Now, place several pieces of seasoned kindling around the firelighters to position them in a small chamber. Leave a small space for a match to light these later.

Once the kindling is in place, use a match to light the firelighters in the heart of the chamber.

When the kindling has ignited and not relying on the firelighters, begin to add either your HouseFuel Smokeless Ovals or House Coal, depending on your requirements. The hard-wearing bags we put our fuel in make them easy to move and ensure no mess. Be careful at this point not to smother the fire, only adding a few pieces at a time.

If you use a closed appliance such as a multi-fuel stove, open the door and air vents to promote good airflow. This will help the oxygen to circulate and establish the fire.

Once the fuel has been taken, these vents can be closed to the level you wish to manage the burn rate.

It is always a good idea to place a fireguard before an open fire.

Now simply sit back and enjoy your fire and the excellent products in our HouseFuel range.

For further information on our solid fuel or other products in the HouseFuel range, including kindling and firelighters, contact us on the number shown.