Chiminea burning in a cosy room

How to light a coal fire like a pro

Coal fires are a magnificent fuel source that has heated homes up and down the country for hundreds of years. Without the use of coal, there are so many who would have gone without heating, lighting, and a place to cook food.

Times have changed but coal is still an extremely popular source of energy for fires. As the type of coal continues to be improved and advanced, what is the best way to light coal? Is it the same for all types?

Here we will look at how you can light your coal fire with ease to have strong flames and duration.

The equipment you’ll need

Before you dive right into lighting the fire, there is some basic equipment you’ll need. It’s always good to consider the tools you require before commencing so that you don’t realise when it’s too late.

Initially, you’ll need a clean area where you plan to start your fire. You don’t need a vast array of cleaning products on hand if you have a firepit or a fireplace - a broom or small brush will do the job of sweeping the soot away from your last fire. Collect all the dirt and put it in the correct bin. For those that have a multi-fuel stove, you could consider a glass cleaner if there is glass on your device, but this isn’t strictly essential.

The things you’ll need to purchase include coal, firelighters, kindling, a lighter (opt for a long-handled one), and a fire iron. You might also want to consider flameproof gloves so that you don’t burn your hands.

Start building your fire

Assuming your fire area is now clean, you can put a few pieces of kindling in the area, spread them evenly, and then put a couple of firelighters in between the spaces where you can still access them. Grab your lighter then ignite the firelighters. You should spot the kindling eventually catch alight and start to produce small flames.

Now it’s time to grab a generous amount of coal and pour it on top of these flames, slowly enough that you don’t put the flames out and safely, of course. Make sure the briquettes are spread around with plenty of space between them for oxygen to flow.

Gradually, the flames should be getting larger until they resemble a strong and warm fire. If the flames start to dwindle, you can move the coals around with the fire iron to create pockets of air. If this doesn’t work, add some more coal to your fire to sustain the flames.

Let the fire die out then cool down before you commence cleaning. It saves you a lot of time before your next fire if you clean up the area afterwards, removing any residue.

And that’s it! Now that you know how this is done, you can follow these steps using your HouseFuel supply of smokeless coal for an effective fire.